This recipe is our First Prize Winner in our Holiday Contest, it was submitted by:

Marisa Marisa Raponi
Fitness Instructor/Personal Trainer

Tasty Delights Blogger


2 cups water

1 1/2tsp salt

1 lg. egg

1/4 tsp each garlic powder, black pepper and cayenne pepper

1  1/2tsp baking powder

2 cup flour

2 cup Cookin’ Greens Athletes Mix or Chopped Kale

Vegetable oil


In a large bowl whisk together water, salt and egg.  Tip in flour, spices and baking powder.  Stir with a wooden spoon.  Just before everything is blended add the frozen greens, breaking any large clumps.  Continue blending until  thoroughly combined.  Allow to sit for 5-10min. while preparing pan.

Meanwhile, place a deep pot on the stove and preheat 1″ of vegetable oil on med. high.  Oil temperature should be between 350-365 F. If you do not have a thermometer, test the oil by dropping a tiny amount of dough into the oil.  *If bubbles begin to appear around the dough and it begins to float your oil is ready.*

Drop by heaping teaspoonfuls into the oil, do not over crowd.  Shape into fairly flat and round discs for proper browning and even cooking on the inside.  Brown to a golden crisp colour on both sides turning only once.  Continue until all dough is used.

Drain on paper towels.  Arrange on a platter with a dip if desired.

Makes approx. 30, 3″ fritters

These hot or at room temperature. These can be wrapped in wax paper and stored in the freezer, up to a month.


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