By Josh Bentley-Swan, Writer for Cookin’ Greens

Josh Bentley Swan

I’m a communications and marketing specialist with experience in the for-profit, government, and not-for-profit sectors. Nothing makes me more satisfied than writing copy that inspires my readers to take action. When I’m not working on the Cookin’ Greens website or attending a tradeshow with the team, chances are you’ll find me at the gym.

I’m excited to be part of the Cookin’ Greens team because I love eating these greens — they’re great for me; I can eat them on the go and fit them into my life easily. Also, Toby is a joy to work with. This is one of my favourite recipes she taught me to prepare.

Cookin’ Greens Chopped Kale with Finely Chopped Garlic & Olive Oil Recipe:


Prep Time: 10 minutes


1 Package Cookin’ Greens Chopped Kale

1 Clove whole, fresh Garlic

Olive Oil to taste


Begin by chopping the garlic clove finely and sautéing in olive oil. No need to do this for longer than 3 or 4 minutes tops — cooking for too long will ruin the garlic’s flavour. Then transfer the garlic into a larger pan where your Cookin’ Greens Chopped Kale has been cooking for 8-9 minutes and is nearly ready. Mix the garlic in with the Kale and serve right away. Credit for this recipe goes to Toby, as she often uses it at demos. More than once I’ve been told not to eat her samples in front of customers. However, this recipe tastes damn good, so I’m constantly tempted.


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