By Cathy Russell, Registered Holistic Nutritionist

Cathy Russell

 I’m Cathy Russell, a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Graphic Designer. I blend my background in art and design with my passion for health and healing to bring my clients a creative and balanced approach to nutrition for the ‘whole’ family.


I am so excited to be part of the Cookin’ Greens Community! The one thing that I focus on with all of my clients is to find simple ways to incorporate more vegetables in their diet, especially dark leafy greens. Dark leafy greens are sadly lacking in the Standard North American Diet. Regular consumption of dark leafy greens is, in my opinion, one of the simplest ways to take your health to the next level. That is why I am such a big believer in the power of green smoothies daily as a tasty way of getting in more greens. Adding dark leafy greens helps to add important minerals like calcium, magnesium and iron. These alkalizing minerals are important for our muscles and bones, nervous system and immune system. Greens are loaded in chlorophyll, too, which helps to cleanse our blood. The minerals in the greens stick to heavy metals and toxins, gently pulling them out, cleansing the entire digestive system. You can cleanse your system daily by simply adding in more greens!! Miracles happen when you add in more greens: cravings disappear, skin glows, you sleep better, hormones become more balanced, and more! Cookin’ Greens provides us with a variety of dark leafy greens and other nutrient dense vegetables that are conveniently frozen hours after being harvested, so there are no more excuses. Add them to your green smoothies, then add them to your soups, stews and other meals, too.


This is a delightful combination of berries, kale and yogurt that tastes fantastic and is an antioxidant boost as well. This is a very kid-friendly smoothie and a great one for green smoothie beginners.


Pomegranate and Kale Power Smoothie

Pomegranate and Kale Power Smoothie



1/3 cup unsweetened coconut yogurt (I like Yoso brand)

(or use cow or goat unsweetened yogurt, not fat-free)

1/2 cup unsweetened pomegranate juice

1 cup strawberries or mixed berries

1 cup Cookin’ Greens chopped kale

1/2 to 1 scoop of vegan vanilla protein powder or use 2 tbsp hemp seeds*

1/2 tbsp raw honey or 5 to 7 drops of liquid vanilla stevia (or more to taste)

Additional water, if desired to thin out



Place all of the ingredients in blender and blend until smooth. Thin out with a bit more water if needed. You will need to modify the sweetness based on how sweet or sour your berries and pomegranate juice are. Serve immediately or place in a mason jar with a couple of ice cubes for drinking later.

* Note: I prefer to use hemp seeds instead of protein powder for younger kids.
Download my Green Smoothie eBook to access more simple recipes like this one.










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